1. T-4000 System characteristics
1、32—256 Gray level,Support software Gamma correction。
2、Support the rules and special-shaped handle.
3、Four-port output,every port can support 512-1024 pixels。
4、Off-line(SD Card) control, play back content stored in the SD card.
5、The controller Can save up to 16 files ,copy the file into SD card in order.
6、The file in SD card must be named: 00_1.led, 01_1.led, 02_1.led…….
7、Compatible with single and dual IC, if you control a single line IC LED lights, without being connected to the CLK line.
NOTE:1. When T-4000 controller control less than 512 lamps the frame rate can reach 30fps. When T-1000 controls more than 512 lamps and less than 1024 lamps the frame rate will slow down automatically.
2. In the 2012 production version of the T-4000to add a Chinese flag on the surface, you must use the new software