1、T-1000S System features
1、32—256 Gray level,Support software Gamma correction。
2、Support the rules and special-shaped handle.
3、Single-port output,can support 2048 pixels。
4、Off-line(SD Card) control, play back content stored in the SD card.
5、T-1000S store a maximum of 16 programs,copy multiple files to the SD card in order,
after formatting the SD card as “FAT” format.
6、The program must be named in orders . just as :00_1.led, 01_1.led, 02_1.led.
7、Compatible with single line or double line chips.
NOTE:1. When T-1000S controller control less than 512 lamps the frame rate can reach 30fps. When T-1000S control more than 512 lamps and less than 2048 lamps the frame rate will slow down automatically.
2. T-1000S must use the new software LedEdit 2013.