APA102/LC8822-2020 SMD LED is a new type of APA102 integrated led for three channels RGB color emitting.
It has very little size with 2.0mm*2.0*0.74mm,which has much more advantage for the smaller than 5050 led with 5.0*5.0mm.
and many new applications will be available for the tiny size.
apa102 2020 also use the APA102 as the driver IC to control the color dimming.
Also high brightness too,for each apa102-2020 led is 0.1~0.3W.
It can be widely used in apa102 2020 digital rgb led strips,apa102 2020 dotstar,also apa102 led pixels,and the full color led display.
5mm 8mm APA106 LED 灯珠
5050 APA104 RGB LED 灯珠
国产封装APA102 内置 RGB 幻彩灯珠
APA102/LC8822 5050 White LED 灯珠
APA104 白光 5050 灯珠
WS2812B/LC8812B RGB LED 灯珠